Interoperability & Composability
Building a scalable, decentralized social infrastructure would already be a big leap forward for web3, but what’s truly unique about Flux is the composability enabled by the spanning layer we've co-created (see Tech Stack section). The spanning layer standardizes development into a simple set of root axioms, and sits between the interface and backends used. This is what allows Flux to interoperate with any infrastructure or service in web2 or web3, enabling communities to compose highly customizable experiences by leveraging any of their favorite tooling or by building their own.
Social platforms often enforce a strict set of features, branding, and UI. Even dapps being built in web3 are constrained to the primitives provided by the specific technology they are being developed on. Flux transcends the barriers between apps in both web2 and web3.
For example, let's say a community uses Snapshot (IPFS-based voting tool) for its proposals. In Flux, they would be able to integrate and interact with Snapshot within the Flux interface.
The same can be done with any web3 service across governance, asset management, DeFi, etc. Communities can also build their own features and easily plug them into the Flux interface. For example, if they wanted a ‘channel’ type for project management, blog posts, scheduling, or any other useful functionality, they could integrate it. Again, because of our spanning layer, they would be able to use any backend they wanted if the service they desired wasn’t already available as an open source app.
It’s also worth noting that the look and feel of these communities is completely customizable as well. While Flux ships with a default user interface, communities can rework its design. Down the line, we envision an open source marketplace of themes to arise as well.
We believe the features required for a complete distributed coordination stack (identity, messaging, governance, payments, asset management, documentation, reputation, etc) will ultimately be consolidated into one app. Flux makes this feasible through its focus on interoperability across the entire web3 ecosystem from the very start. We understand it's unlikely for us to develop all these components ourselves, and there are already many great projects working on independent parts of the stack. However, by being interoperable with any Layer 1 ecosystem, and thus any service in web3, Flux can bridge together the best of these apps into its messaging layer to provide a complete service for effective group coordination.
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