Maximizing Composability
We believe composability to be one of the most important emerging facets of the web3 ecosystem. By design, each feature of Flux exists as its own independent component that can be composed to create a multitude of complex, powerful, and distinct community experiences.
While composability has been touted as important by our web3 peers, we currently see it as being largely limited to the same applications that use the same tech stack. For example, dApps built on Ethereum are composable with other Ethereum smart contracts, but not with dApps being built on other Layer 1 solutions. The same goes for dApps being created in other ecosystems.
The limitations we see here are:
A competitive, winner-takes-all atmosphere between various technologies
Riskier development ecosystem
Redundant investment of resources in similar solutions being built on different foundations
Lack of depth that can leveraged
With this in mind, Flux has been co-developing a meta-ontology that enables composability between apps using any underlying technology, centralized or web3. We believe a diversity of infrastructures are important and can be used for their respective best use cases.
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